Your Friend, DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid.Dee-ox-ee-rye-bo-new-clay-ick-acid. Yeah!…
October 1, 2009/by Katie

Lack of Natural Selection

I like to think about how many times and how many ways I would…
October 1, 2009/by Katie

Magnificent Creature

Maybe next time you should take a picture instead.
September 29, 2009/by Katie

10 Things Everyone Should Know about Biology

You are made of millions of tiny yous.Bacteria aren't really…
September 21, 2009/by Katie

The Tree of Life

Because we are a little self-centered, people seem to think of…
September 20, 2009/by Katie


Cells, cells, cells. I just love cells. Why? Because I, myself,…
September 19, 2009/by Katie


Allergies are annoying. I think we all agree about that. Allergies…
September 11, 2009/by Katie

We Are All Scientists

I find it particularly funny when people think scientists are…
September 10, 2009/by Katie

Natural Selection

Here is the boring definition:The process in nature by which…
September 10, 2009/by Katie


What does it mean to be organic? Why is it such a big deal?For…
September 10, 2009/by Katie


Plastics haven't been around for very long--about 50 years. …
September 10, 2009/by Katie


Photosynthesis is pretty amazing when you really think about…
September 10, 2009/by Katie


Now, let me warn you right off the bat: I get a little hostile…
September 10, 2009/by Katie

Virus? Bacteria?

This is a very common question: what is the difference between…
September 10, 2009/by Katie


"Don't touch that! It is covered with bacteria!"Have you ever…
September 10, 2009/by Katie

Biology Blog

This is Beatrice the Biologist--a place where an ex-biology teacher…
August 31, 2009/by Katie

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