Evolution of Teamwork
Supposedly humans are good at working together because long ago…
June 9, 2011/by KatieDolphin Sexual Harassment
*This post is rated PG-13.*Perhaps because of the last post's…
June 3, 2011/by KatieEvolution of Sleep
Ask a sleep researcher why we sleep, and s/he'll give you the…
May 26, 2011/by KatieWhile You Were Sleeping
Sleep is a state of being in which the individual is relatively…
May 19, 2011/by KatieSleep Deprivation
I just got back from a 2-week trip to Thailand. While I was there,…
May 17, 2011/by KatieMissing Sleep Deprivation Post
I'm sorry if you were trying to find my post on sleep deprivation.…
May 14, 2011/by KatieWinner of Beatrice Giveaway Numero Deux
The moment is upon us!Thewinnerof theBeatricedrawingfor the Reusies bagsisnone otherthanThank…
May 7, 2011/by KatieBeatrice Giveaway Numero Deux
Guess what, peeps! Another Beatrice the Biologist Giveaway! Yes,…
April 18, 2011/by KatieMy Week without Plastic
My week sans plastic was like a personal voyage back in time,…
April 13, 2011/by KatieBeatrice vs. Plastic: CAGE MATCH
Plastic is like the friend you make at a party who seems really…
April 6, 2011/by KatieWinner of the Beatrice Tote Bag Giveaway
Congratulations to Gretchen M, winner of the incredibly…
April 1, 2011/by KatieBlack Widow Hunting
I am not as frightened of spiders as the average person. I definitely…
March 22, 2011/by KatieBeatrice the Biologist Giveaway!
In lieu of a post this week, I'm doing a Beatrice giveaway! First…
March 17, 2011/by KatieTales of Food Poisoning
Once upon a time, a younger version of myself gathered around…
March 10, 2011/by KatieJurassic Park, for realsies?
What if extinction wasn't the end of a species? What if we could…
March 3, 2011/by KatieMy Guinea Pig
I just wanted to share a few (very artsy) pictures of my goofy…
February 28, 2011/by KatieTalkative Parrot
Outside the Eco Station in Culver City, CA, I met this talkative…
February 25, 2011/by KatieExtinction, and other poop
Absolute finality makes me anxious. I like flexibility, changeability,…
February 24, 2011/by KatieBox Jellies and Awesome Australians
Australia is home to a ridiculous number of poisonous and/or…
February 17, 2011/by Katie