Beatrice at the Movies: Contagion

Disease armageddon (diseasageddon?) movies strike a nerve with…
September 29, 2011/by Katie

Life Without Sun

Hey, Sun.How you been?Cool. Listen, I know we haven't talked…
September 21, 2011/by Katie

Element Recycling

Apart from the stray asteroid here and there, the elements we…
September 14, 2011/by Katie

Colombia Pictures

My awesome younger brother woks at an environmental consulting…
September 9, 2011/by Katie

Picking and Choosing

September 8, 2011/by Katie

Dinosaur Inspirational Quotes

August 31, 2011/by Katie

The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

So named because they are most commonly doused with pesticides,…
August 25, 2011/by Katie

Guinea Pig Reacts To

I have a guinea pig. This is a very accurate representation.
August 18, 2011/by Katie

Sea Turtle Parenting Tips

August 11, 2011/by Katie

I’ll Tell You What’s Wrong

Last week, I asked what is wrong with this picture:There are…
August 10, 2011/by Katie

What’s Wrong with This Picture?

What is the single most wildly inaccurate part of this picture?…
August 4, 2011/by Katie

I have to pee.

As the number 3 phrase I use, discussing "number 1" seems like…
July 28, 2011/by Katie

Poor Tomato

July 27, 2011/by Katie

Poop. Magical, magical poop.

In the past, I may have said that things "are poop" in order…
July 21, 2011/by Katie

The Build-a-Baby Workshop

I’ve never been to a Build-a-Bear workshop. It creeps me out.…
July 14, 2011/by Katie

Anthropornis grandis, and now I feel awkward

Calm yourself. I promise this is rated G and very much safe for…
July 8, 2011/by Katie

“The Seasons, Explained,” Clarified

Well, this is embarrassing. Last week I made a video to help…
June 28, 2011/by Katie

The Seasons, Explained

Today is the solstice. If you're in the northern hemisphere,…
June 21, 2011/by Katie

Corals, baby

I totally understand your dilemma. You'd think that corals were…
June 16, 2011/by Katie

Buy my book!

image of cover of everyday amazing

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