The Last Thing a Fly Sees

January 26, 2012/by Katie

Megafauna I wish were still around

I've told you how I feel about extinction. I think it's poop.…
January 19, 2012/by Katie

My Thoughts on Automated Bathrooms

Rarely do I have the honor of using a fully automated public…
January 12, 2012/by Katie

Plastic Surgery

January 4, 2012/by Katie

Beatrice 2011 Year in Review

Happy New Year to you! I wanted to take a moment to thank you,…
December 31, 2011/by Katie

Christmas for the trees

December 21, 2011/by Katie

Circulatory Systems and Spiders

December 15, 2011/by Katie

Murderous Squirrel

Today a squirrel charged me and chased me down the sidewalk.…
December 14, 2011/by Katie

A Young Beatrice’s Misconception

December 7, 2011/by Katie

Grow Your Own Mushrooms

Did you know that you can buy a kit to grow your own little…
November 30, 2011/by Katie

The Meaning of Turkey

November 22, 2011/by Katie

Human Diffusion

Diffusion noun -The passive movement of molecules or particles…
November 18, 2011/by Katie

Grey Hair Go Away Come Again Another Day

Despite my paltry 27 years in existence, I have a few grey hairs.…
November 9, 2011/by Katie

Continuum of Human Compassion

I see just about everything through a biology lens. When I listen…
November 2, 2011/by Katie

Happy Halloween to 7 Billion People

Today, October 31, 2011, the 7th billion human being will be…
October 31, 2011/by Katie

Explaining Things to Aliens

October 26, 2011/by Katie

How the Brain Works

October 19, 2011/by Katie

Sustainable Seafood Man

In case you haven't heard, we're overfishing our oceans. I blame…
October 12, 2011/by Katie

Dear Evolution: Mola mola?

I'm not one to question the collective judgement of the process…
October 5, 2011/by Katie

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