The Joy of Learning

In my organic chemistry class in college, at the end of a lecture,…
July 11, 2012/by Katie

Plant Man

July 2, 2012/by Katie

Help Me Promote Amoeboid

Amoeboid has been on the app store for about a month and a half…
June 27, 2012/by Katie

Fat Free!

June 26, 2012/by Katie

Solstice Punches

Today is the solstice. In the northern hemisphere, it is the…
June 20, 2012/by Katie

Aliens, Unlimited

Watching Prometheus this past weekend got me thinking about movie…
June 14, 2012/by Katie

Shady Tree

June 11, 2012/by Katie

The Horrifying Transformation of a Strawberry Flower

I went to a farm over the weekend and picked strawberries. There…
June 5, 2012/by Katie

Where Honey Comes From

Honey is associated with bees, to be sure, but most people don't…
May 30, 2012/by Katie

Single Cell is Just Fine, Thank You

May 24, 2012/by Katie

Beatrice New Store Giveaway

Guess what! I set up a new store where you can buy Beatrice stuff!…
May 21, 2012/by Katie

Teaching the Controversy and Other Bad Ideas

The latest iteration in euphemistic attacks against teaching…
May 16, 2012/by Katie

Dino Farts

The big science news this week is that dinosaurs farted a lot,…
May 9, 2012/by Katie

Time to Play AMOEBOiD!

Egad! The time has come! Amoeboid is on the app store for iPhone…
May 7, 2012/by Katie

Science Online Teen

I have some cool news. I have been asked to lead a session at…
May 4, 2012/by Katie

Bears Like Graham Crackers

The first post I did after I bought my fancy Wacom tablet was…
May 3, 2012/by Katie

When Oyster Mushrooms Attack

A while back I posted pictures of my mushroom kit's growth. I…
May 1, 2012/by Katie

Happy DNA Day

To think I almost let an opportunity to anthropomorphize DNA…
April 25, 2012/by Katie

On the Likability of Bugs

I have a confession to make about my attitude toward bugs. (I…
April 25, 2012/by Katie

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image of cover of everyday amazing

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