The Great Cartoon Nether Challenge

Is it possible to draw a cartoon penis and vulva that is not…
October 17, 2012/by Katie

Nobel Prize in Medicine

Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka just won the Nobel Prize…
October 10, 2012/by Katie

Scar Tissue

October 10, 2012/by Katie

Jet Lag

I just got back from a trip to France and Germany, and although…
October 9, 2012/by Katie

Dangers of Tanning

October 3, 2012/by Katie

Lunch Bag Puppets

I'm volunteering to help an elementary after school science program…
September 18, 2012/by Katie

Bacterial Crisis Resolution

September 12, 2012/by Katie

Guinea Pig Fact

September 5, 2012/by Katie

I Made a Vlog Thing

I've been watching a lot of vlogs and feeling inspired by them,…
September 4, 2012/by Katie

Why You Should Finish Antibiotics

August 29, 2012/by Katie

This Is Also Not How It Works

August 22, 2012/by Katie

Protist Friends

It just occurred to me that if you haven't played Amoeboid…
August 21, 2012/by Katie

Old Friends

What it's probably like for my neurons when I recall a long-forgotten…
August 15, 2012/by Katie

Shark News and Morpheus

I live in Los Angeles, and on Friday there was news that a fishing…
August 13, 2012/by Katie

Aunt Evolution

If the Earth is our Mother, and Time is our Father, then…
August 8, 2012/by Katie

Koala Job

All living things have jobs to do. For us, jobs are usually terrible…
August 1, 2012/by Katie

Tip-Tok Time

I have a cool announcement: the team I worked with to build Amoeboid…
July 26, 2012/by Katie


Cold-blooded is a misleading term. The scientific term is ectotherm:…
July 25, 2012/by Katie

The Original Pyramid Scheme

Trophic levels (troph means "food") in food chains are the original…
July 18, 2012/by Katie

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