Disappointed Sauce

I live in California, and I’m disappointed. Recently, the state legislature voted on a bill widely known as the Bag Bill–it entailed a ban on plastic bags in grocery stores and drug stores. This is a marvelous idea, and I was really excited about it passing, because in my eternal state of naivete, I just assumed it would.  It didn’t.  Now I’m deflated and pissed.

Why would this not pass? What good reason is there for grocery stores in California to continue to use devil bags instead of paper or–better yet–asking their customers to bring their own canvas bags? Well, you wonderful person who reads this blog, the plastic companies are big whiners with big pocket books. Money buys lobbyists and ad campaigns like this one:

Puh-lease. Are you for serious here?

So let me get this straight: banning plastic bags, which poison our oceans and kill wildlife and never go away, can’t possibly be done because there is other stuff going on? Sigh. I hate this argument. Guess what, people who make stupid ads like this: there will always be multiple heaps of poop to deal with.

Because we all know that human beings can only handle one thing at a time. That’s why all twins die within a week of birth. You can’t take care of two things at once. DUH.

P.S. The “bag tax” the video mentions refers to the idea that stores charge customers about 5 cents per paper bag (as IKEA and other international companies already do), to make up for the cost stores would incur to stock paper rather than plastic bags. And yes, this would actually cause the world to end.

P.P.S. Trader Joe’s, the best place on the planet, stopped using plastic bags months ago just for giggles.
EDIT: Okay, so I thought my Trader Joe’s stopped using plastic bags because I hadn’t seen any for months.  But the other day, the lady in front of me in line asked for plastic bags, and the checker pulled them out of some kind of secret compartment. So they are there, just hidden–perhaps so people are less likely to use them(?). Anyway, sorry for the error.

P.P.P.S. Several California cities already have plastic bag bans, such as San Francisco, Malibu, and Palo Alto.  It’s not like this is impossible.

P.P.P.P.S. I don’t really have anything else to add.  I just like typing the letter P.

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