Time to Play AMOEBOiD!

Egad! The time has come! Amoeboid is on the app store for iPhone and iPad! You can financially support my insanity for just $0.99! And please rate the game to encourage people who don’t know about Beatrice to buy the app!

If you do not have an iPhone or iPad, perhaps you know someone who does and can highly recommend this to them.


The details: Amoeboid is a science edutainment game: the gameplay is based on science/biology/microbiology, but it is first and foremost a mini arcade-style game. I hope you like it!





If this app does well particularly well, I could do Beatrice things on a more full-time basis, which means more than one post per week, more videos, more comics, more craziness. Does that mean I’m technically bribing you? Perhaps. It might also be blackmail. I’ll reflect more on this later.
But I (obviously) didn’t do this alone. I worked with programmer Niilo Tippler and artist Chris Tokunaga to make this happen. They are starting their own venture into game development called Tip Tok. Check them out!
Thanks for your support!
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