Amoeba Hugs and Other Nonsense THE BOOK!

I published a book of my comics on Amazon! It’s called Amoeba Hugs and Other Nonsense.

This is sort of a test of the whole “publishing on Amazon” thing. Depending on how this goes, this might be how I publish the Beatrice biology text I mentioned a while back. And there might be some straight-to-book comics in the future as well.

This book has my favorite comics as well as a few words about why I drew them or how I got the idea.

So if you are looking for an adorable little coffee table book of my randomness, go and get one! If you would be so kind as to review it on Amazon, that would be great too.

(It’s not available on for some reason I do not understand, so my Canadian friends will have to order it directly from the publisher at CreateSpace.)

Would you like a signed copy? You can get it directly from me!
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