Science Online Teen

I have some cool news. I have been asked to lead a session at the Science Online Teen conference in April 2013 in New York!
This conference is a spin-off of the yearly Science Online conference, held at North Carolina State University. It brings together science bloggers and journalists from all over the country.
Stacy Baker, of the extremely successful Extreme Biology blog, is organizing the first Science Online Teen conference, and she is holding a contest for the logo. Let’s help her out, shall we? If you are a teenager, submit a design. If you are not one of these “teenager people,” find one and demand that he/she design something.

Da logo contest rules:

  • Only students age 13-19 can enter. (This refers to actual age, not mental age.)
  • The submitted work must be the original work of the submitter and must contain no copyrighted material.
  • The submitter should use the Science Online logo (shown at the top of this page) as a guide for what the logo should look like.
  • Submissions must be in a high-resolution format. Suggested formats include Adobe Illustrator or PNG files.
  • Individuals may submit up to 3 entries.

Entries may be submitted to with LOGO CONTEST in the subject line.

Can’t wait until next April!

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