Grow Your Own Mushrooms

Did you know that you can buy a kit to grow your own little mushroom garden on your counter? This recycled cardboard package is full of spent Peet’s coffee grounds (that would otherwise be thrown out) and mushroom spawn. You open up the perforated pane, mist with the provided misty bottle, and in 10 days, you have a crop of mushrooms that you can sauté with some butter and subsequently devour.
Get yours at Back to the Roots, Yeah, I know that mushrooms don’t really have roots. But life goes on.
Get one if you want a fun 10-day project and like watching things grow. They also make good presents for people who are otherwise impossible to shop for.
And now, I will amaze you with the pictures I took of mine while it grew from nothingness to fungal insanity.

Day 0: What a lovely cardboard box.

Day 1: I’ve got my misty mister. Let’s do this.

Day 4: Look–a tiny blurb!

Day 5: Growing blurb.

Day 6: Blurb, look at you go.

Day 7: I am so proud of blurb.

Day 8: Blurbs grow up so fast.

Day 9: Blurb in my face.

Day 10: Bluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrb.
SIDE VIEWS, so you can appreciate the blurb growth.

Thanks, Back to the Roots!