The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

So named because they are most commonly doused with pesticides, the dirty dozen is a list of produce that you should strive to buy organic varieties of.

Dirty dozen:

  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Strawberries
  4. Peaches
  5. Spinach
  6. Nectarines (imported)
  7. Grapes (imported)
  8. Sweet bell peppers
  9. Potatoes
  10. Blueberries (domestic)
  11. Lettuce
  12. Kale/collard greens

I have this list on my fridge, but I often forget what’s on it when I go to the store. I’m assuming you’ll have the same problem, so I wrote two poems about the dirty dozen–one for fruits, one for veggies. Sing it to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle if that helps. If it doesn’t help, then well, I’m really sorry.


The produce listed below is often grown with the few chemicals, so buying these organic isn’t quite as vital. Although, you might notice that it’s very easy to find some of these in organic varieties, since apparently it’s easy to grow them this way.

Clean 15:

  1. Onions
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapples
  4. Avocado
  5. Asparagus
  6. Sweet peas
  7. Mangoes
  8. Eggplant
  9. Cantaloupe (domestic)
  10. Kiwifruit
  11. Cabbage
  12. Watermelon
  13. Sweet potatoes
  14. Grapefruit
  15. Mushrooms
Dude, sometimes food is really hard to draw. I apologize on behalf of my mango.
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